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Privacy Statement (Part 2)
Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement (the Privacy Statement) - Part 2 of 2

Last Update: 27 March 2013

2. Personal Information Collection Statement

As a customer of our company or as a visitor of our website(s) , it may be necessary for you to provide us with your personal data when you apply to us and / or continue to subscribe with us for a service and / or product . If your personal data is incomplete or incorrect, we may not be able to provide or continue to provide services to you.

We shall keep your personal data confidential at all times. Our policies and practices with respect to the collection, use, retention, disclosure, transfer, security and access of personal data will be in accordance with the Ordinance and this Privacy Statement.

In this Policy Statement, the following terms shall have the following meaning:

We may use and retain the personal data you provided to us for the following purposes and for other purposes as may be agreed between you and us or required by law from time to time:

  1. Providing the Services;
  2. Subject to your consent, we may use your personal data for marketing the goods and/or services (restricted to: office supplies, travel and accommodation, insurance, banking, credit card, finance, education, media, recruitment, entertainment and leisure, retails, health and beauty, fashion and apparel, watch, jewelry, electrical and electronic products, telecommunications, mobile, information technology, computer software and games, restaurants and catering, household products, baby products, sports) (irrespective of whether we are remunerated for such marketing activities) relating to us, our affiliated companies, business partners and Hutchison Group (including Hutchison Whampoa Limited, Cheung Kong (Holdings) Limited, any of their subsidiaries and any company in which the same has a direct or indirect interest or with which it is in joint venture or co-operation or their respective successors and assigns) ("Hutchison Group"). We may dispatch to you the promotional information via direct marketing telephone calls, SMS (Short Message Service), e-mail, facsimile, direct mailings etc.;
  3. Processing any benefits arising out of or in connection with the Services;
  4. Analyzing, verifying and/or checking of your credit, payment and/or status in relation to the provision of the Services;
  5. Processing any payment instructions, direct debit facilities and/or credit facilities requested by you;
  6. Enabling the daily operation of your account and/or the collection of amounts outstanding in your account in relation to the Services.
We may disclose and transfer (whether in Hong Kong or overseas) your personal data to the following parties to use, disclose, process or retain your personal data for the purposes mentioned above:

  1. Our agents, contractors and other service providers for the provision of products and/or services that you ordered and/or subscribed to;
  2. Banks, financial institutions and credit providers;
  3. Debt collection agencies, credit reference agencies and security agencies;
  4. Regulatory bodies, law enforcement agencies and courts;
  5. Our professional advisers, and any other persons under a duty of confidentiality to us; and
  6. Any of our actual or proposed assignees or transferees of our rights with respect to you.
If you do not wish to receive direct marketing promotional information from us with respect to the products/services mentioned above, or do not wish us to disclose, transfer or use your personal data for the aforesaid direct marketing purposes , please write or email to our Customer Services Manager at :

By post : Limited
No.7-13 Kwai Tak Street
Kwai Chung, New Territories
Hong Kong

By email:

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