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Search results will be displayed by category and sub-category on the right hand side of the page according to their alphabetic orders.
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Basic Search
Searching for a product
Enter the search item. This may be
By bigboXX product no.
By product description e.g. paper
By brand e.g. 3M
By model no.
  Always try to be as precise as possible so as to narrow down the list of results
Advanced Search
Advanced Search allows for greater flexibility in searching your ideal products, for example:
  Enter 'and 'between terms for more precise searching e.g. color and paper will provide result of all items with color and the term paper in the description
  Enter 'or' between terms for searching two brands e.g. HP or Epson will search all items of these brands
Narrow Search (New)
You can narrow your search results by entering further search terms in the search result section.
Or click the respective resulting categories to view the items in the categories.
Should you need any assistance on using the search function, please contact bigboXX Customer Service Hotline at 2127 7777. If you cannot find an item in our website, please email to
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